Adoption Profile:

Name: Sabrina
DOB: 06/01/2021
Gender: Female
Breed: DSH
Adoption Fee: $170
Location: The Gap
Snuggle scope: shy at first but once she gets used to you she loves cuddles (especially butt scratches)!
Cat scope: Friendly, gentle and wants to play.


My name is Sabrina, but my foster parents call me B. I am very gentle cat with lots of love to give. I am looking for my forever home with someone who is patient and will give me lots of time, love and cuddles. I would be fine on my own or with another cat (as long as they are gentle). I would be suited to a quiet, child-free home.
I am a very busy little kitty. I like to know what you’re doing and be around you. I am a chatty little kitty, love food and I purr A LOT.
I have been with my new foster parents for a while now, and during this time, I have grown and gained confidence in leaps and bounds. When I first came into care, I was scared, timid and very shy. But over the course of my time here, I developed trust and a bond with my foster parents. I can be picked up, I come when I am called (especially if you call me for chicken 😊).
I am learning that humans are kind and I like to be around them, I can be picked up although I prefer cuddles on my own terms. I’ve started to allow new people who I have become familiar with to pat me, and I have even been introduced to dogs (which I am a little scared of, but I am learning to be brave).
I will accompany you to the bathroom, help you in the kitchen and I love to watch TV with you snuggled on your lap. I am also quite spoilt at my foster home, I have access to an outdoor cat enclosure which I love.
My favourite things:
  • I love pats, especially butt scratches! I love pats so much that I roly-poly on the ground and head-butt you with affection. When I am really in the mood for cuddles and pats, I will purr so much that I dribble (which is so adorable).
  • I love watching fish on Youtube. This is great entertainment for me (as well as you)
  • I also love chicken….and food in general. I will hover around you and be your little black shadow in the kitchen, brushing up against your legs with affection while chattering away as you prepare me food.
  • My green monster (this is my favourite toy). I love playing with this fluffy little green toy. I flick it around with my claws and you will often find it around the house as I love to hide it.
  • I LOVE cuddles, I am slowly becoming a lap cat and I will happily snuggle up next to you on the bed.
Will I be your lucky little black house panther?
To arrange a meet to see if this could be your perfect match, please submit our meet’n’greet form