Adoption Profile:

Name: Franklin
DOB : 29/11/23
Gender : Male
Breed: DSH
Adoption Fee: $200
Location: Bonogin, Gold Coast
Snuggle scope: Super doper smoocher and snuggler
Cat scope: Takes a while for him to adjust to other cats. Best suited to a home with a small number of cats, or he would also be happy as a solo cat.
Dog scope: Fine with the small dog in the foster home
Child scope: Untested but would be fine in a home with older children
Medical note: Franklin came into care suffering from Nutritional secondary hyperaparathyroidism. Due to this condition he had suffered several breaks to his legs and hips that weren’t treated and had started to heal (but not in the correct position).


Oh goodness where do we start with this young man….
Franklin was surrendered to a local vet and came into our care in January 2024. He was in a great deal of pain and couldn’t walk. Xrays showed his bones were translucent and like glass – the reason for this was due to lack of appropriate nutrition. He had multiple broken bones that had started healing in awkard position. Unfortunately surgery was not an option for him, so he went to a specialist carer and put on strict crate rest and high quality food to help the bones start healing.
After months of dedicated care and good quality food, his bone density is much improved and he is an active and healthy cat. Unfortunately the previous breaks have left him with some permanent deformities. His body looks a little different to most cats – he head is normal size, he has a broad chest (a bit like a muscly bull dog), but a skinny little butt – but we think he’s perfect. He doesn’t know that he’s different, and he simply loves life.
Frankie is pure joy. Despite his awful start to life, he is a happy little fellow and everyone that meets him falls head over heals in love with him. He can be a little tentative with new people, but this doesn’t last long and his love of humans beats any hesitation he has. He loves his carer, and his favourite place to sleep is on the bed cuddled up in her arms. He isn’t too fond of being picked up and carried for too long, but when you are sitting down or in bed he loves to snuggle with you
Frankie was likely not raised around other kittens, so when he first arrived he was very “bitey”, using his teeth and claws to play, which has earned the nick names “land shark”, and “baby shark”. His carer has worked on this a lot and he has improved immensely since he first arrived and he tends to lick more now, but when he gets excited the teeth come out… this is never meant maliciously, it’s just his form of playing. So his new family will need to continue teaching him if his teeth come out to play. Due to this he would most likely be suited to a home with older children, or children who understand that he’s just playing.
He takes about 3-4 weeks to adjust to new cats, but when he becomes friends he loves to play with them and do zoomies which is hilarious to watch. He’s not much of a climber – he will climb to the lower level of the cat tree, but no higher than that. He has a little step thing to help him get onto the bed.
Frankie needs to be kept on a good quality diet for the rest of his life, and it will also be important not to let him get overweight due to his deformed bones. He may have some issues with arthritis as he ages which will likely need injections for this, so this needs to be considered prior to adoption.
Frankie is simply the most beautiful, gentle and perfect little cat you will ever meet, and would make an amazing addition to a dedicated cat loving home.

To arrange a meet to see if this could be your perfect match, please submit our meet’n’greet form