If you are able to assist with any of the following items, we will gratefully accept them, all of the items listed are always needed no matter what time of year it is.
Please email the BFF Team on [email protected] to arrange for collection of your donated items or to find out our drop off locations.

  • Good quality tinned cat food
  • Good quality dry cat food
  • Cat Litter ~ Crystal, Paper or Clay
  • Cat and Kitten Collars
  • Cat beds or second hand pillows with cases
  • Heating Pad beds (for abandoned or orphan kittens)
  • Soft blankets
  • Second hand towels
  • Cat carriers for transporting cats in cars
  • Cat and kitten toys
  • Flea Combs and Brushes
  • Flea Treatment
  • Worming Treatment
  • Kitten playpen